Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fantastic in a Bag! The Chemical Reaction to Silly Putty

Today our group presented the Chemical Reaction in Glow in the Silly Putty. We started with an introduction to the definition of chemical reaction. The students seemed to have previous knowledge about chemical reaction, they knew more information than we anticipated, because of this, we modified our presentation and continued to the different types of chemical reactions. In this section, Melanie explained the various types of chemical reactions: physical, odor, liquid to gas, color and temperature. We had the students predict what chemical reaction they believed would respond in this experiment. The students chose the correct types of chemical reactions, again amazed us at the background knowledge that they had. I presented the steps to the experiment, emphasizing that measurement was very important. We combined liquid starch, glue, food coloring and glow in the dark paint. The students placed these ingredients in a ziploc bag and mixed them in the bag. It was a success and a wonderful learning experience!